Create highly customisable financial statistics and reports based on your wind farm assets, components and metrics. Immediately see the effects on financial performance from variations in a range of factors, from energy output to increased cable lengths, or new inflation predictions.
Vind AI comes with default unit prices and recurring costs for a wind farm, which you can adapt to your own preferences. Define your specific CAPEX and OPEX models and let Vind AI calculate all relevant financial metrics, from Turbine installation costs to IRR for a given park design.
Generate accurate LCoE and IRR estimates based on costs, energy output and market prices. Tweak the cost model to your needs by adjusting the phasing of costs, operational start, discount rates and much more.
Perform financial sensitivity studies on assets pricing and market predictions. Easily compare multiple financial predictions for the same park to de-risk investments and iterate towards financially resilient projects. Keep a reference financial case in the Library to quickly assess the impact of new market insights to existing numbers.
Create reports and download results via Dashboards. Get a detailed breakdown for CAPEX, OPEX and LCoE assumptions. Communicate selected insights to collaborators by choosing which tables and graphs to visualise.